British Mathematical Colloquium

This was held at Cardiff: 16-18 September 1959.

The enrolment was 168.

Organisers were J L B Cooper

Minutes of meetings, etc. are available at the links below

The plenary speakers were:

Hirsch, K A Abelian groups
Köthee, G Algebraic problems in infinite dimensional spaces
Mahler, K Theory of numbers

The morning speakers were:

Hammersley, J M Percolation processes
Hilton, P J Lusternic-Schnitelmann category in homotopy theory
Horrocks, G Invariants of algebraic varieties
Munn, W D Irreducible matrix representations of semigroups
Noble, M E Some boundary properties of power series
Rees, D Problems of commutative algebra
Scott, D B
Weir, A J Specialisations
Williamson, J H Spectral theory