Letter from the EMS to Woodall

University of Edinburgh
Department of Mathematics
James Clerk Maxwell Building,
The King's Buildings,
Mayfield Road, Edinburgh, EH9 3JZ.

Telex 727442 UNIVED G
Telephone 031-667 1081 ext 2940
Fax 031-6624712

2 December 1988

Dr D R Woodall,
Department of Mathematics,
University of Nottingham,
University Park,
Nottingham, NG7 2RD.

Dear Dr Woodall,

BMC : Arrangements regarding VAT

We are writing on behalf of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society to give an interim response to your memo of 14 November. We feel that the whole EMS Committee should be consulted on this and we need more than your suggested three weeks in which to do so.

We are grateful for the amount of thought and work which you have evidently put into this matter and wish to support your suggestions in broad terms. However, we question whether it is necessary to set up a completely new and separate body and suggest alternatively that an LMS/EMS joint BMC Committee could serve the purpose. This might consist of a couple of representatives each from LMS and EMS and two more separately elected. The Officers could rotate frequently among the two societies, since their duties would be very limited. With regard to a constitution, the EMS would wish to be involved and we suggest some liaison between the LMS and EMS secretaries and yourself in deciding how to approach this. It is clearly most important that, whatever arrangements are made, the BMC should continue to operate as before, being run in all practical matters by the local organisers.

We hope these comments are of assistance and that we can keep to your suggested timescale for implementing the new arrangements.

Yours sincerely,

Professor B D Sleeman
President, Edinburgh Mathematical Society

Dr J Martin
Honorary Secretary, Edinburgh Mathematical Society