General Meeting Minutes for 1959

A General Meeting of the British Mathematical Colloquium was held in University College, Cardiff, at 1.45 p.m. on Thursday, 17 September 1959.

Professor J L B Cooper was in the chair.
  1. The Minutes of the general meeting held at Reading on 27 March 1958 were read and signed.
  2. The Chairman welcomed the guest speaker, Professor Köthe of Heidelberg.
  3. The accounts of the Reading Colloquium were approved.
  4. Professor Rado requested the opinion of the meeting on the question of duplicating the principal lectures.

    After some discussion, it was decided, by show of hands, to refer the question to the committee.
    a) for possible action for the 1959 Colloquium,
    b) to report to the next Colloquium with recommendations for future colloquia.
  5. Professor Offord resigned from the committee (being absent from the Colloquium).

    Professor P Hilton (Birmingham) and Mr M F Newman (Manchester) were elected to the Committee (and Professor W H McCrea (Royal Holloway College)).
  6. It was announced that the Committee would meet in the evening in Aberdare Hall.

    Professor McCrea invited the Colloquium to meet at Royal Holloway College in Sepember, 1960 and this was approved without a vote.

    The Chairman enquired, for the guidance of the Committee, whether the last week of September was too late for meetings of the Colloquium.

    The general opinion of the meeting was that this was the case.
  7. Professor K Hirsch urged all Colloquium members to join the London Mathematical Society.
  8. Dr Collingwood expressed the thanks of the meeting to the General Secretary and all others concerned with the organization of the Colloquium.
Minutes signed by W H McCrea 1960 September 8.