General Meeting Minutes for 1992

A General Meeting of the British Mathematical Colloquium was held in Room K325, John Anderson Building, University of Strathclyde at 2 p.m. on Tuesday 7th April 1992.

Professor D A R Wallace was in the Chair.
  1. Minutes of the previous meeting

    The minutes of the General Meeting of the 43rd British Mathematical Colloquium held at the University of Bath on Tuesday 26th March 1991 were approved.
  2. Matters arising

    The dates of the Colloquia in 1994 and 1995 were noted:

    1994 (Cardiff) Monday 28th - Thursday 31s t March
    1995 (Heriot-Watt) Monday 3rd - Thursday 6th April
  3. Accounts of the 43rd BMC

    Professor Davenport tabled the version of the Accounts which had been submitted to the Auditors but had not yet received their signatures.

    Professor Davenport drew attention to the Speakers' Expenses and the nature of the sponsorship from IBM.

    The value of the BMC Reserve Fund was also presented to the meeting.

    In the ensuing discussion, it was pointed out that the numbers attending the BMC were showing a downward trend and that the value of the Reserve Fund was decreasing. It was suggested that thought should be given to trying to reverse these trends.

    The points raised would be considered at the meeting of the BMC Committee that evening. After a further comment, concerning the cost of the Civic Reception, the Accounts were approved.
  4. Election of Committee

    Eight members of the previous year's BMC Committee, being all of those eligible, were re-elected. Nominees of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society and the London Mathematical Society were noted. Five further members were then elected to the Committee whose membership stood as follows:

    Professor D A Brannan (Open) LMS Nominee
    Dr G R Burton (Bath)
    Professor J H Davenport (Bath)
    Dr A Gardiner (Birmingham)
    Professor M N Huxley (Cardiff)
    Dr A C McBride (Strathclyde)
    Professor C St J A Nash-Williams (Reading)
    Dr P E Newstead (Liverpool)
    Dr A R Pears (KCL) LMS Nominee
    Dr R G E Pinch (Cambridge)
    Dr E F Robertson (St. Andrews) EMS Nominee
    Dr D L Salinger (Leeds)
    Dr E J Scourfield (RHBNC)
    Dr G C Smith (Bath)
    Dr R J Steiner (Glasgow) EMS Nominee
    Dr D S G Stirling (Reading)
    Professor D A R Wallace (Strathclyde)
  5. Appointment of Auditors

    The Honorary Treasurers of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society and the London Mathematical Society were reappointed as Auditors of the BMC Accounts.
  6. Archives

    The Chairman intimated that a considerable volume of material related to the BMC had accumulated over the years. Last year's BMC Committee had considered the situation. After a short discussion, the meeting agreed that the LMS should be approached with a view to possible safe-keeping in a university library. Access to the material would be available under library conditions.
  7. Request from Publisher

    Last year's BMC Committee had remitted to the General Meeting a matter which had arisen at the 43rd BMC. A publisher at the Book Exhibition in Bath had requested a list of names and addresses of participants. It had been felt that a matter of principle was involved. After a short discussion, in which a variety of points arose, the matter was referred back to the BMC Committee meeting that evening for final disposal.
  8. Any other business

    The Chairman intimated that, in connection with its 15Oth anniversary, Springer-Verlag had sponsored two postgraduate students at the current BMC. Professor Wallace explained the selection procedure which had been used and announced that the recipients of the sponsorship were Mr A G Jones (University of Sheffield) and Mr N P Srickland (University of Manchester).
The meeting closed at 2.18 p.m.

Minutes signed by A C McBride (undated).