Scientific Committee Meeting: April 2006


Meeting of the Scientific Committee of the BMC to be held in Merz Court, University of Newcastle at 13.30 on 13 April 2006.

Meet 13.30 in the buttery, L401, Merz Court, for lunch.
Then 14.00 in the library, M412 Merz Court, for the business.
  1. Apologies.
    [Caroline Series, Iain Gordon]
  2. Confirmation of membership of the committee. Appointment of secretary.
    [The secretary should be one of the representatives from Swansea.]
    [New committee is from 1 June 2006]
    [Need new LMS representative to replace Caroline Series who is a member until 31 May 2006. Peter Cooper will handle this.]
    [Galway representatives come on the committee from 1 June 2006]
    [Someone should have been elected at the AGM at BMC 2006 to serve for one year from date of election]
  3. Minutes of meeting in De Morgan House on 21 September 2005;
    matters arising not covered elsewhere.
  4. Meeting in 2009.
    [The AGM should have accepted the invitation from Galway]
  5. Report on 2010 and the possibility of a joint BAMC/BMC.
    [Chairman will report.]
  6. Brief report on the Newcastle meeting.
    [A full report will be on the agenda for the September 2006 meeting. One Newcastle representative will remain on the committee to give this report]
  7. Plans for Swansea 2007
    [Swansea will report on the current position regarding the plenary speakers. We may be asked to suggest UK based speakers]
    [Garth Dales comment:
    It is usual for Swansea to pick out about 4 areas of mathematics that they wish to concentrate on - with one or two singletons in, for example, history of mathematics, and to circulate in advance a few names in these areas, to give us a start.]
  8. Plans for York 2008
    [Plenary speakers; special sessions]
  9. Any other business
  10. Date of next meeting 20 September at De Morgan House.
    [I have been advised that bookings in De Morgan House have to made now for September. I am booking 20 September in the hope that it will suit as many as possible. It is the corresponding date to the 2005 September meeting.]

Edmund Robertson (Chair)
LMS: Rachel Camina (Cambridge), Garth Dales (Leeds)
EdMS: Rob Archbold (Aberdeen)
Newcastle: Andrew Duncan, Zinaida Lykova, Alina Vdovina (standing in for
Michael White)
Swansea: Niels Jacob
York: Stephen Donkin, Chris Wood, Maurice Dodson

The chair welcomed members of the committee.
  1. Apologies for absence of Iain Gordon (Glasgow), Michael White (Newcastle), Caroline Series (Warwick) were accepted.
  2. The membership of Maurice Dodson (York) was confirmed. Alina Vdovina is standing in for Michael White as a secretary of the meeting.
  3. The minutes of the meeting in London on 23 September 2005 were approved.
  4. At the AGM Galway's offer to host BMC 2009 was accepted. It will be a joint meeting of the BMC and the Irish Mathematical Society. Garth Dales will write a formal letter to thank IMS.
  5. The proposal to hold a joint BMC and BAMC meeting in 2010 in Oxford was discussed. Due to difficulties in Oxford it was decided not to go ahead. Alternative suggestions for joint BMC and BAMC meetings were made and after some discussion it was agreed, that Heriot-Watt university would be an ideal venue for 2010. Edmund Robertson will contact Heriot-Watt.
  6. Zina Lykova reported that the Newcastle meeting seemed to be within its budget subject to cancellation charges that Newcastle University might make.
  7. Plans for Swansea 2007: Niels Jacob reported, that the most of work was done, but one still needs to invite morning speakers. Garth Dales remarked, that it is very important to choose good morning speakers to attract the mathematical community to attend BMC. It was suggested to submit a speaker from York.
  8. Plans for York 2008: Chris Wood reported, that it is planned to have special sessions on Differential geometry and Representation of Algebras. To support this it is planned to apply to EPSRC. Zina Lykova said, that BMC2006 had some support from EMS as well and suggested, that people from York apply for EMS as well.

    Chris Wood indicated some financial difficulties they have because of high prices of the University Conference Centre. Edmund Robertson offered to come to York to find a reasonable financial solution of this question. It appeared to be, that not all plenary speakers are yet invited, so York was given a deadline of one month to report to the BMC Scientific Committee.
  9. The date of the next meeting was set to be 20 September 2006.


Edmund Robertson (St Andrews) - until 31 May 2008

Rachel Camina (Cambridge) - until 31 May 2007
Garth Dales (Leeds) - until 31 May 2008
Charles Goldie (Sussex) - until 31 May 2009

Rob Archbold (Aberdeen) - until 31 May 2007
Iain Gordon (Glasgow) - until 31 May 2008

Andrew Duncan

Francis Clark
Niels Jacob

Steve Donkin
Maurice Dodson
Chris Wood

Ted Hurley
James Ward

BMC AGM Representative:
Tony O'Farrell (Maynooth)