Tenth HMTM: 2018

Mathematics - a common language for Europe for thousand years

Held at: University of Miskolc.

Dates: 23-26 May 2018.

Chair: Edmund Robertson (University of St Andrews).


Edmund Robertson, Mary Everest Boole: the first mathematical psychologist.

Ioannis Vandoulakis, Proof-Events: Integrating History of Mathematics into Mathematics Education.

Benedek András, Embodied Conceptions of Mathematical Understanding in the Twentieth Century: the emergence of Zoltan P. Dienes's principles and their origin.

Colin Campbell, Groups Galway and Groups St Andrews conferences.

Vassilis Tsiantos, Non-definable analysis systems in ancient Greek mathematics and their use in contemporary teachings.

David Ruch, Using Primary Source Projects to Learn Real Analysis, with Investigations from Cauchy and Abel.

Oksana Malanchuk, Differential-symbol method of solving two-point problem.

Munkácsy Katalin, Mathematical history - applied for learning.

Michael Tobin, Advances in Transcendental Number Theory Since the Proof of the Gelfond-Schneider Theorem.

Wagner Valente, Rosilda Morais, Luciane Bertini and Neuza Bertoni Pinto, Mathematics in teacher training and teaching: processes and dynamics of professional knowledge production, 1890-1990.

Shigeru Masuda, Poisson' "sloughs" in his final works in life, "A Study of Mathematical Physics."

Kántor Sándorné, Presentation of the Dissertationes Davidianae (Debrecen, 1927-1940).

Oláh-Gál Róbert and Filep Levente, Using Excel Graphic in teaching of mathematics in Higher Education.

Harald Stockinger, Biographical information from monasterial archives: Ernst Mach's school year at the Gymnasium of the Benedictines in Seitenstetten.

Lukáa Vízek, Czech Publications on the History of Mathematics at the Turn of the 19th and the 20th Centuries in an International Context.

Peter Tannenbaum, How to divide candy (and more): A Brief History of Fair Division.

Dirk Huylebrouk, "A less divine insight."

Kelsey Clarkson, "Algebra for All" and its Lasting Impact on Mathematics Education.

Zsuzsanna Ágnes Berényi, Dániel Arany, the freemason.

Nagy Dénes, Anti-Golden-Sectionism.

Diego Lieban, Historical Rescues of Da Vinci Machines triggering a New Approach in Maths with Technology.

Cecilia Russo, To be announced.

Péter Kőrtesi, János Bolyai at Olomouc-Olmütz.

Tuska Ágnes, Zoltan Paul Dienes: The life and legacy of a maverick mathematician.

Michael Lambrou, Proofs of theorems in Plane Geometry by exit into space.


The aim of the conference is to present aspects of the History of Mathematics, including its impact on the Teaching of Mathematics, to provide a forum to meet each other, and to give an opportunity for young researchers to present their results on the history of mathematics.

Cooperating partners:
School of Mathematics of the University of St Andrews, University of Miskolc; Mathematics Education Centre of the Eőtvős University Budapest; Institute of Mathematics, and Institute of Informatics of the University of Debrecen; János Bolyai Mathematical Society, Hungary; and Junior Mathematical Society Miskolc.

Organizing and Scientific Committee:
Edmund F Robertson, University of St Andrews; John O'Connor, University of St Andrews; Péter Kőrtesi, Miskolc University; Katalin Munkácsy, Eőtvős University, Budapest; Tünde Kántor, University of Debrecen; Lajos Klukovits, Bolyai Institute of the University of Szeged; Ágnes Tuska, Califoria State University, Fresno, California; Ödön Vancsó, Mathematics Education Centre, Eőtvős University, Budapest; and Dénes Nagy, International Symmetry Society (Melbourne and Budapest).

There was a bus tour of the city, a visit to Diósgyőr Castle, and a visit to the Greek Orthodox Church, Iconostase, Exhibition. There was also a wonderful ride on the Lillafüred Forest Train. The participants had a conference dinner at the restaurant Vigadó Terasz.

Some pictures taken at this conference are available at THIS LINK.