Henry George Forder Lectures

In his will, Henry George Forder bequeathed to the University of Auckland the residue of his library (which contained some very valuable books) plus a substantial sum of money, with the rest of his estate bequeathed to the London Mathematical Society. The London Mathematical Society and the New Zealand Mathematical Society engaged in prolonged negotiations about the best way to use the Forder Bequest, with the Secretary of the London Mathematical Society going to New Zealand to finalise the agreed arrangement. The agreement was that the London Mathematical Society would use the income from the Forder Bequest to send eminent mathematicians from the United Kingdom to New Zealand as Forder Lecturers, touring the universities of New Zealand. The following is a list of Forder Lecturers:

1987 E Christopher Zeeman

1989 Sir Michael Atiyah

1991 Peter Whittle

1993 Roger Penrose

1995 Elmer G Rees

1997 Ian Stewart

1999 Sir Michael Berry

2001 Tom Körner

2003 Caroline Series

2005 Martin Bridson

2008 Peter Cameron

2010 Ben Green

2012 Geoffrey Grimmett

2015 Endre Suli

2016 Julia Gog

2018 Valerie Isham