Royal Statistical Society Guy Medal in Silver

The Royal Statistical Society Guy Medal in Silver is named after the distinguished statistician, William Guy FRS. The medal is:-
... intended to encourage the cultivation of statistics in their scientific aspects and promote the application of numbers to the solution of important problems in all the relations of life in which the numerical method can be employed, with a view to determining the laws which regulate them.
Fellows of the Royal Statistical Society who have communicated papers of special merit to the Society or have published such papers in the journals of the Society are considered for Silver Medals.

1893 John Glover

1894 A Sauerbeck

1895 A L Bowley

1897 F J Atkinson

1899 C S Loch

1900 Richard Crawford

1901 T A Welton

1902 R H Hooker

1903 Y Guyot

1904 D A Thomas

1905 R H Rew

1906 W H Shaw

1907 N A Humphreys

1909 Edward Brabrook

1910 G H Wood

1913 R Dudfield

1914 S Rowson

1915 S J Chapman

1918 J Shield Nicholson

1919 J C Stamp

1921 A W Flux

1927 H W Macrosty

1928 E Newbold

1930 H E Soper

1934 J H Jones

1935 E C Snow

1936 R G Hawtrey

1938 E C Ramsbottom

1939 L Isserlis

1940 H Leak

1945 M G Kendall

1950 H Campion

1951 F A A Menzler

1952 M S Bartlett

1953 J O Irwin

1954 L H C Tippett

1955 D G Kendall

1957 H E Daniels

1958 G A Barnard

1960 E C Fieller

1961 D R Cox

1962 P V Sukhatme

1964 G R P Box

1965 C R Rao

1966 P Whittle

1968 D V Lindley

1973 R L Plackett

1976 J Durbin

1977 J A Nelder

1978 P Armitage

1979 M J R Healy

1980 M Stone

1981 J F C Kingman

1982 H P Wynn

1983 J E Besag

1984 J C Gittins

1985 A Bissell and W Pridmore

1986 R Peto

1987 J B Copas

1988 J Aitchison

1989 F P Kelly

1990 D G Clayton

1991 R L Smith

1992 R N Curnow

1993 A F M Smith

1994 D J Spiegelhalter

1995 B W Silverman

1996 S L Lauritzen

1997 P J Diggle

1998 H Goldstein

1999 P J Green

2000 W Gilks

2001 A P Dawid

2002 D Hand

2003 Kanti Mardia

2004 Peter Donnelly

2005 Peter McCullagh

2006 Michael Titterington

2007 Howell Tong

2008 Gareth Roberts

2009 Sylvia Richardson

2010 I Johnstone

2011 P Hall

2012 D Firth

2013 B Ripley

2014 J Fan

2015 A Davison

2016 N Reid

2017 Neil Shephard

2018 Peter Bühlmann

2019 Susan Murphy

MacTutor links:

Royal Statistical Society

Royal Statistical Society, etc:

Royal Statistical Society Guy Gold Medal
Royal Statistical Society Guy Silver Medal
Royal Statistical Society Guy Bronze Medal

Other Web site:

Royal Statistical Society Web site